
Showing posts from 2016

Top 10 uses Of LINUX you don't know

Even if you're a Windows (or Mac) user,  knowing how to use Linux  is a valuable skill , and it can run a bunch of awesome things in your home—even if it isn't your main desktop OS. Here are 10 ways you can use Linux even if you're not ready to go full Ubuntu. 10. Troubleshoot Other Computers You don't even need to install Linux on a box to make it useful—all you need is a solid live CD. Just boot from the CD and you can grab any files from the hard drive, even if the computer won't boot or  you've forgotten your password . Linux can even help  if you accidentally formatted your entire drive . Of course, not all system rescue discs are Linux—and there are  a lot of good ones out there —but a bit of basic Linux knowledge can turn you into a troubleshooting expert. 9. Make a Chromebook More Useful You'd be surprised how much you can get done in Chrome OS. There are  a lot of great Chrome apps out there  for editing audi

Best hacking apps4u PART 2

READ THIS ARTICLE CAREFULLY AND DOWNLOAD IT..... If you caught in illegal activity then smackbook4u is not responsible for it.  its only of educational mean.. Angry IP Scanner It is a fast port and IP address scanner. It is a lightweight and cross-platform application that has the capacity to scan the IP addresses in any range and also in their ports. It simply pings each IP address. Packet Crafting To Exploit Firewall Weaknesses Through Packet crafting technique, an attacker capitalizes your firewall’s vulnerabilities. Here are some packet crafting tools Hping Earlier Hping was used as a security tool. Now it is used as a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet analyzer or assembler. You can use this for Firewall testing, advance port scanning, network testing by using fragmentation, TOS and different other protocols. Scapy It is a powerful and interactive packet manipulation program. Scapy has the capability to decode or forge the packets of a large number of protocols at a time.