Best hacking Apps4u

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A hacking tool is a computer program or software which helps a hacker to hack a computer system or a computer program. The existences of hacking tools have made the lives of the hackers much simpler when compared to the times they did not exist. But it does not mean that if the Hacker is equipped with a good hacking tool, his entire job is smoothly done. The hacker still requires the skills of all the aspects of hacking equally well.
Discover:Information securityPasswordPenetration testInternet security

Password Cracker Software

A password cracker software, which is often referred to as a password recovery tool, can be used to crack or recover the password either by removing the original password, after bypassing the data encryption, or by outright discovery of the password. In the process of password cracking, a very common methodology used to crack the user password is to repeatedly make guesses for the probable password and perhaps finally hitting on the correct one. It cannot be denied that whenever we are referring to cyber security, passwords are the most vulnerable security links. On the other hand if the password is too completed, the user might forget it. Password Cracker software are often used by the hackers to crack the password and access a system to manipulate it. Do not unethically use these software for hacking passwords. 

In the next section you would be getting familiar with some of the popular Password Cracker tools which are used by hackers for password cracking.


It is a free password cracker software which is based on the effective implementation of the rainbow tables. It runs on a number of Operating Systems like Mac OS X, Unix/Linux and Windows Operating System. It is equipped with real-time graphs for analyzing the passwords and is an open source software. Ophcrack has the capability to crack both NTLM hashes as well as LM hashes.


Medusa is one of the best online brute-force, speedy, parallel password crackers which is available on the Internet. It has been designed by the members of the website It is also widely used in Penetration testing to ensure that the vulnerability of the system can be exposed and appropriate security measures can be taken against hacking.


Rainbow Crack as the name suggests, is a cracker for hashes with the Rainbow Tables. It runs on multiple operating systems such as Linux, Windows Vista, Windows XP (Windows Operating Systems). It supports both Graphical User Interface as well as Command line Interface. It's software which is used for password cracking by generating rainbow tables, fuzzing all the parameters.


Wfuzz is a flexible tool for brute forcing Internet based applications. It supports many features like Multithreading, Header brute forcing, Recursion when discovering directories, Cookies, Proxy Support, hiding results and encoding the URLs to name a few. Wfuzz is a useful tool for finding unlinked resources like scripts, directories and servlets as well.


Brutus is one of the most flexible and free password crackers which operates remotely. It is popular also because of its high speed and operates under operating systems such as Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows 9x. Currently it does not operate under the UNIX operating system. Brutus was initially designed to check network devices like routers for common as well as default passwords.


L0phtCrack which is now known as L0phtCrack6, is a tool which tests the strength of a password given, as well as to recover lost passwords on Microsoft Windows platform. Thus it is a tool for both password recovery as well as auditing the password. It uses techniques such as Rainbow tables, brute-force and dictionary to recover passwords.


Fgdump is a powerful cracking tool. In fact, it's much more powerful than pwdump6 as the latter has the tendency to hang whenever there is a presence of an antivirus. Fgdump has the capability to handle this problem of hanging by shutting down first. It later restarts the Antivirus software. It supports multi threading which is very relevant in the multitasking and multi-user environment.

THC Hydra

Every password security study has revealed that the biggest security weaknesses are the passwords. THC Hydra is a tool for cracking logins and it is flexible as it supports various protocols. It is very fast and at the same time, new modules can be easily added. Hydra can run on operating systems like Solaris 11, OSX, Windows and Linux.

John The Ripper

John the Ripper is a free software for password cracking which was originally designed for the Unix Operating System. At present, it can run on 15 Operating systems which includes 11 different versions of UNIX, Win32, DOS and BeOS. It has the capability to combine several password crackers into a single package which has made it one of the most popular cracking tools for hackers.


It is a network software suite used in 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks. It consists of tools such as a packet sniffer, detector and a WEP. This tool runs on both Windows and Linux Operating systems. It can work with any type of wireless network interface controller, provided the driver is supporting the raw monitoring mode.

Cain And Abel

Cain and Abel, often referred to as Cain, is a tool for recovering the password in the Windows platform. It has the capability to recover various kinds of passwords using techniques such as cracking the password hashes by using brute-forcing, dictionary attacks, cryptanalysis attacks and packet sniffing in the network.


The objective of this security tool is to locate the valid user identities in a Virtual Public Network along with the secret key combinations. Once this is accomplished, this information can be used easily by a hacker to have access to a VPN in an unauthorized manner

Wireless Hacking Tools

Wireless Hacking Tools are those hacking tools which are used to hack into a wireless network which is usually more susceptible to security threats. One must also ensure that the network is completely secured against hacking or other malwares. The list of wireless hacking tools which would be discussed now can be used to do a Penetration Testing for a Wireless Network. This is an intentional attack on a network to detect security vulnerabilities by accessing its data and functionality.


It is a software suit specially designed for a wireless network and which operates under both the Windows and the Linux Operating System. Aircrack-ng consists of a packet sniffer, WPA cracker and analysis tool and a detector for the wireless Local Area Networks (802.11). The best part of this software suit is one need not install it to use it. It is a collection of files which can be easily used with a command prompt.

There have been many wireless hacking tools exposed in recent past. When a hacker hacks a wireless network, it is supposed to defeat the Wireless network’s security devices. The Wi-Fi networks i.e. the Wireless LANs are more exposed to the security threats from a hacker while compared to that of a wired network. While hackers are always more than ready to hack specially if there are weaknesses in a computer network, hacking is often a tedious and complicated procedure.


Kismet is a wireless detector system which detects possible intrusion to an 802.11 layer2 wireless network, it is also a sniffer. There are certain plug-in supported by Kismet which enable sniffing media like DECT. . It also has the capacity to infer whether a non beaconing network is present or not via the data traffic in the network and a network is identified by this tool by collecting data packets passively, detecting hidden and standard named networks.


InSSIDer is a network scanner which is used in a Wi-Fi network for the Windows Operating System as well as the Apple OS X. It has been developed by MetaGeek, LLC. It is used to collect information from both software and a wireless card and is useful in selecting the availability of the best wireless channel. It also shows those Wi-Fi network channels which overlap with each other.


It is a discovery tool for a wireless network for the Mac OS X operating system. It has many features which are similar to another wireless detector tool called Kismet. This tool is meant for expert network security personnel and is not very user friendly for the beginners


In order to log into a website, a user has submit details like his or her username and password. The server validates these data and sends back a “cookie”. The websites usually encrypts the password however does not encrypt other details which leaves the cookie exposed to hacking threats which are also known as HTTP session hijacking. Firesheep has a packet sniffer which can intercept the cookies which are encrypted from Social Media sites like Twitter and Facebook and comes with the Firefox web browser. Firesheep is available for both the Windows and Mac OS X operating system. It would also run on the Linux platform in the new future.


It is a powerful tool for packet injection in an 802.11 wireless network and is very useful as it has the capability to send in forged de-authentication packets. This feature is usually used by a hacker to bring down a network.


KARMA is an attack tool which takes the advantage of the probing techniques that is used by used by a client of a WLAN. The station searches for a Wireless LAN in the list of preferred network and it is then that it makes the SSID open for an attacker who is listening. The disclosed SSID is used by KARMA for impersonation of a valid WLAN and attracts the station to the listening attacker.


NetStumbler is a hacking tool which is used in the Windows Operating system and comes with add ons which are used to hack a wireless network. It has the capability to convert a WIFI enabled laptop on Windows OS into a network detector in an 802.11 WLAN.


The WebLab is a tool which teaches about the weaknesses of a WEP, how a WEP works and how it is used to break a wireless network which is WEP protected. It has the features of a WEP Security Analyzer.

Best Network Scanning & Hacking Tools


Nmap or Network Mapper is a free open source utility tool for network discovery and security auditing solution for you. It is a flexible, powerful, portable and easy-to-use tool that is supported by most of the operating systems like Linux, Windows, Solaris, Mac OS and others.


It is an multi-functional application that is designed for scanning TPC port. This is also a pinger and address resolver. It also has useful features like ping, traceroute, WhoIs and HTTP request. There is no need of installation as it is a portable application.


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