Hack Facebook using Cookies Stealing (Article :-via Smackbook4u)

Hack Facebook using Cookies Stealing  (Article :-via Smackbook4u)

Welcome Friends to Smackbook4u today we are going to share some  tricks about how to hack facebook using cookies stealing program.
Friends we are only here to give you depth knowledge of everythine and we are not responsible if you do and caught in any illegal acctivities thanks and have a good day.

  1. First learn what is Cookies?
This it very good question that what is cookie the answer is that cookies are the small files which are send to your computer through the browsers of your computer which you use for entering into any particular site. In cookies of a computer there is all the information of any account for example I visit to Facebook.com there I set up an account and login to my account then any other user use the same computer for login into his Facebook account now when he/she will click onto the email section all the emails will be shown before his which are used for login into your computers that task is done by using cookies.
Another example of cookies are when we login into our Gmail accounts from an unknown location we have to enter our full email and password for login into our email and when we login from such a computer which we widely use for login we just need to type the first character of our Gmail and all other mail is show by its own. This task is done by using cookies.
Conclusion : Cookies are the small files which a website sends to our computers when we visit them.
2.What Is Cookies Stealing Or Session Hijacking?

So this is also an important question as we know that cookies are small files use to remember our details so if someone has that file then he/she can login into your accounts without knowing the email or password, he just need to eject these cookies into his browser and refresh the page and he/she is automatically logins into your account whose cookies has him. That’s why hacker steal the cookies of any person and then eject these cookies on their browsers and easily logins into there victims accounts until the victim changes his password.
Now lets Start
Let’s Learn to Hack Facebook Using Cookies Steeling OR Session Hijacking 2016 via Smackbook4u

1. You need to download wire shark from the official website and install it on your computer.

2. When you have installed the Wire Shark  Download wire shark from here open wire shark and click on“Analyze” button and then click on “Interfaces” button.    

3. Now you have to select any interface and click onto the “Start” button.

4. You have to continue this process (Sniffing) for about 10 minutes.

5. After about 10 minute you have to spot Sniffing. To stop Sniffing go to“Capture Menu” and click on “Stop” button.

6. Now set your filter to http.cookie that contains the “DART” cookie on the top left by doing so the filter will search for all the http cookies with the name“DART”. You will be know that Facebook uses the “DART” cookie as authentication cookie.
7. Now just right click on it and then Go to “Copy”..> “Bytes”..> “Printable Text Only”.
8. Now you have to inject cookies for final touch and you need to haveGreasemonkey and thecookieinjector   installed on you Firefox. Open the Facebook login page on Firefox and make sure that you are not logged into your account.

9. Its hacking time press   “ALT + C” to bring up the cookies injector of Firefox and then paste your copied cookies into that field and press OK button.
10. Now you just need to refresh the page and you are logged into your victim’s account.

Need more help click on this link Zwww.smackbook4u.weebly.com   thanks..............................................................................................


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